Iowa PBS launches additional FIND Iowa virtual field trips

Take even more fun, educational virtual field trips across the state with Iowa PBS’s FIND Iowa initiative! Teachers and families across the state and beyond can now enjoy investigating Agriculture in Iowa and Cultural Contributions to Iowa.

Fun Investigating New Discoveries (FIND) Iowa encourages students in grades 2-5 to investigate our state through the use of immersive and interactive learning content. Investigations are organized by theme, with each theme having multiple subtopics. Teachers and parents are encouraged to use each trip’s guide to engage students in discussion and further learning as students use the site — even visiting these fascinating locations across the state for real-world learning experiences.

“Iowa’s teaching standards have evolved, and there is an increasing focus on authentic, locally based teaching approaches,” said Iowa PBS Director of Educational Services Ken Harrison. “Our team has worked to provide Iowa-focused resources to support teachers and families, and we’re excited to expand upon FIND Iowa as one of these vital resources.”

FIND Iowa trips focus on social studies and science themes, with current available topics including geology, agriculture and important cultural contributions of Iowans. Production will continue throughout the school year, adding additional field trips over time.

Funding for FIND Iowa has been provided by the Gilchrist Foundation, the Resource Enhancement and Protection Conservation Education Program, Pella Corporation and the Pella Rolscreen Foundation.