Market to Market

MtoM Podcast

We get into 100, 500 and 1,000 floods, the closing of I-40 for a year and how -- if at all – certain things should be rebuilt.
We find out about Brad Lundell's time raising hogs, turkeys and crops while adapting the family farm for the next generations.
Jason Grumet advocates for the industry as the CEO of American Clean Power.
Scott Aaronson specializes in land acquisition and leasing for new solar projects as the CEO of the Demeter Land Development Company.
Most of us would choose to discuss politics over finances with loved ones, but financial discussions that begin early can lead to clear plans for transferring wealth, and make family gatherings festive rather than filled with angst.
Health care is always a topic of discussion - options, hours, type - but for some just having that access is miles and not just blocks away.
We continue on our road tour with Sue Martin in Jesup at the Lions Club Farmers Night.
We dive into the challenging economic landscape facing farmers in 2024. Tony Jesina from Farm Credit Services discusses how producers are navigating shrinking margins and evolving crop insurance options.
Our Live at the Fair series concludes with Don Roose from the Iowa Cattlemen’s Quarters and the Iowa State Fair.
We begin our 50th season this week and will be taking our celebration to the streets several times this year. Jeff French joins us at the Iowa State Fair for a discussion about his debut on Market to Market.
Last year's Iowa State Fair conversation with Mike Naig was eventful for a turn Paul did. We clear the air on the incident and get down to business of HPAI in poultry and dairy, lower commodity prices and economic concerns in this conversation.
Tony Thelen’s mom and two aunts set out to offer an educational journey through the alphabet, focusing on corn and farm life.
Land prices are proving to be resilient despite economic challenges from the impact of elevated interest rates along with other headwinds like inflation and lower commodity prices. There is still value out there according to Tom Schutter, area sales manager for Farmers National Company.
Iowa State University researchers Dr. Todd Bell and Dr. Rahul Nelli discuss their findings on how the avian flu virus is able to infect bovine mammary tissue, exploring the role of cellular receptors and the potential implications for animal and public health.
Our midseason checking with producers Bryan Pippitt in Nebraska and Donald Oesterle in Michigan share the fact they’ve had adequate moisture.
Minnesota does have an easy nickname to use here, but the road ahead is hard for farmers in the state.
Kelly Nieuwenhuis has farmed in five decades and this rainfall near his Primghar, Iowa farm reminds him of some noteworthy years of 1983, 1993, 2011, 2018 and 2019.
Dr. Susan Metzger is in the middle of regional and statewide efforts to balance agriculture and its intersection with the environment with nutrient runoff and even carbon sequestration. The focus here is mostly on the Ogallala’s future.
Dr. Jana Houser of Ohio State University has a long history of loving the weather. Her Pennsylvania upbringing found her watching the Weather Channel a lot with a quick realization meteorology was her calling.
Animal health is always on the mind of pork industry leaders and 2024 is no different. Lori Stevermer of Easton, Minnesota is this year’s National Pork Producers Council president.
James Roemer is back with his active look at weather around the world. We’ll get into La Nina and El Nino changes and the impact on markets. Roemer of Best Weather, Inc., discusses how the drought in Russia has great potential to impact the global wheat market and what summer forecasts are holding for the grain growing areas of the United States.
Seed is the key and is changing the way ranchers and farmers approach their version of agriculture.
Soil is at the heart of food when you sow the seed, nurture the plant and then harvest. For Farmer Lee Jones of Huron, Ohio, there’s way more to it - the soil’s health is paramount to his life’s work. We get into his passion of regenerative agriculture and vegetables he’s growing and shipping all over the world.
The Iowa State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory celebrated two milestones in April and then found itself in the mystery of an H5N1 outbreak in dairy cows. Dr. Dan Grooms discusses how the lab did just what it was supposed to - teach and help make a connection between vets on the ground and the science in the laboratory.
Matt Ammermann has spent his career involved in agriculture and more specifically - the Black Sea and Eastern Europe for StoneX. Recent protests in Europe garnered attention and the Green Agenda is a major point of contention. We also look at the production status of Ukraine and Russia and that impact on a global marketplace.
Donald Oesterle is a third generation farmer in Mason, Michigan. He’s our other farmer we will check in with this growing season to see how his corn, wheat, canola, soybeans and cattle are doing.
Our third season of talking to a pair of producers in different parts of the country kicks off this week as we get to know Bryan Pippett.
This second part of our discussion with Josh Dallin centers more on you. If your farming operation is going to succeed - you need to have a good base and that starts with a strong respect for the importance of mental health. But as with many - reluctance highlights the challenges and stressors across the industry. 
A hand went up at the end of a Utah State Extension meeting in 2019 that changed the course for many in that room - including organizers.
Tanner Ehmke, the lead economist on grain and oilseed, discusses how undisciplined capital has potential to bring a boom and the factors that could go the other way.
Josie shares her work in the field of farm safety and mental health, including her role in the North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center.
Bill Martin has spent most of his career around livestock. The last three are part of a leap of faith from Colorado back to his native Texas with college friends to operate Lonestar Stockyards outside of Amarillo, Texas.
Ben Riensche’s past life was in banking so his finance take now on the farm helps provide some insight on and off his Jesup, Iowa operation.
Simulated farming has a life of its own for The Squad creator Grant Hilbert.
Crisis doesn’t happen on schedule - usually a heart attack, farm accident or cancer diagnosis can come when a crop is ready for planting or harvest.
Wild hogs have been found in several U.S. states and the damage can be severe.
The cattle inventory report gives confirms the smallest herd since the 1950's. Derrell Peel is Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist for Oklahoma State University and sees similarities to this cycle with others tied to drier conditions. He gives us insight on the pipeline and the layered and complex livestock market.
As politics go, the Farm Bill resorted to a broader coalition of food, fiber and commodity support. That action was decades ago but this environment - on top of an election year - is making the waters even tougher to navigate for leadership. Jonathan Coppess is an Ag Policy professor at the University of Illinois and now studies how these bills are made after working on the staff side of the street a few years ago.
He’s famous for his trombone skills and performance locations, eagle cams and other adventures on his Kansas Farm. Derek Klingenberg is ready for another season of eagle watch from his live stream of an eagle nest. We also catch up about new places he’s brought out the trombone and new players in the pasture. 
Making the transition from one generation to the next can be a touchy subject. Like anything communication goes a long way and it could have started in a mentoring relationship or other exchange of ideas. Clint Fischer started Braintrust Ag as a way to help facilitate the idea sharing and transitions in farming operations.
Seven states are up against the clock to get a water deal reached over the Colorado River and who gets what allotment. As the 2026 deadline approaches, the food versus cities debate simmers over the precious resource. Kathryn Sorensen is the director of the Kyle Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University and gives us perspective on the issue.
Our two farmer profiles for 2023 wrap up in Illinois as Chad Bell gives us the report on the rain that arrived in time and helped exceed expectations while Mike Schulte in Oklahoma says he was more in a meets the lower expectations category as dry weather continued but moisture did arrive to change the end of the year.
Season three of combine karaoke discovered fun and a big crop for Franklin County, Iowa farmer April Hemmes. Her farm caught just enough rain at the right time and she was singing that tune around the world talking soybeans.
Mike Naig goes into detail on Iowa's response to the 2023 outbreak of HPAI, or High Pathogenic Avian Influenza. Millions of birds in Iowa have been killed because of the virus. Naig discusses the response this cycle compared to the 2015 outbreak.
Beth Hoffman went to the farm as a spouse, now she's published a book about her transition to farmer and author from journalist. We bring back Beth to discuss the year on the farm with changes in demand, new offerings on the property and what being a good neighbor means in Monroe County, Iowa.
We take a step back to the basics of grain marketing by reviewing terminology and the fundamental discussion of how markets work in commodities. Ashley Bettenhausen is a grain market advisor with Valiant Marketing in Wishek, North Dakota. She loves talking the basics and takes time to explain them.
Partnering solar and agriculture is under review and in the research phase in the heart of the Corn Belt. Nick Peterson is with Alliant Energy who is partnering with Iowa State University on the concept of renewables and food on the same tract of land. The concept is called agrovoltaics.
What happens to a wind turbine blade after its time on the tower is changing. Canvus is taking what was likely headed to the landfill and repurposing the blade in many forms and could soon be headed to a park or public space near you. Brian Donahue gives us the scope of work across the country from his Ohio office.
Trade is a complicated matter and when issues arise between two partners the answers aren't always easy. Nathan Kauffman is an economist with the Federal Reserve of Kansas City's Omaha branch. His insight on Mexico reveals the complications around GM corn, labor and products that flow between the two countries.
Jordan Fife just returned from another visit to what could be one of the next big trading partners of U.S. farmers and ranchers. India has the world's largest population and a desire for more commodities and insight. We also talk about energy stories around the world with the president of trading for Biourja.
The State Department is a large government agency handling matters around the world. One of those issues is food security and what can happen when focus drifts on the issue. Dr. Cary Fowler, a special envoy for global food security for the United States State Department, is a return guest to the Borlaug Dialogue at the World Food Prize and has connection to its founder, Dr. Norman Borlaug.
Norman Borlaug revolutionized wheat and all of food production. That was a moon shot of an idea. Raj Shah is looking for the next one from his role as president of the Rockefeller Foundation. The organization's risk capital can take chances with big thoughts he finds and inspires on his return trip to Iowa.
Ronnie Richardson has been helping clients buy and sell land since the mid-90's and the more prices rise, the more things have stayed the same. We discuss strategies for preserving generational wealth through land and his role as CEO of National Land Realty based in Mississippi.
U.S. cotton growers have been enrolling acres into the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol aimed at featuring the industry's sustainability efforts. Recently a new end user from Europe enrolled helping expand the efforts on a larger global scale. Tillman White is the Operations Manager for the Protocol and tells us about his role in working with growers, gins and end users.
Sorghum is dealing with a classic supply and demand story - trying to grow new markets while expanding acres at a balanced time. Nate Blum is the Executive Director of Sorghum United. He's been around the globe just this year for the commodity.
Russia and China combined to force the fertilizer market higher. Those two issues have subsided, but the bigger picture could change again if a couple of things happen again. We look at the weather and supply/demand tables in this chat with the VP of Fertilizer of Stone X, Josh Linville.
DIAL Ventures is based at Purdue University, right in the center of the agriculture. How that location, coupled with global talent and ideas is helping the way U.S. farmers feed and clothe the world. Dr. Allan Gray discusses the flywheel he's in now with ideas turning into customers.
Automation is already in agriculture - but the full transition to driverless cabs is under study. The University of Missouri is now testing and researching on a autonomous and electric tractor. Dr. Jianfeng Zhou gives us a tour of the machine and discusses some of the topics surrounding this evolution.
The renewable energy industry has roots in agriculture. Chevron is known for its start in the petroleum side of energy. Kevin Lucke is the president of the newly formed Chevron Renewable Energy Group. We have a conversation with Lucke at the Iowa State Fair about the mixing of renewable sources with one of the old guards of energy.
Just like a good marketing plan or building your house, a good floor goes a long way to profitability and peace of mind. Tony Jesina of Farmers Credit Services of America says crop insurance is the same thing. A big deadline is approaching for farmers and we look at the evolution of the industry in just a short time.
During his birthday week, Mason Shalla of Riverside, Iowa exhibited a steer that won Grand Champion of the 4-H Market Steer Show at the Iowa State Fair. We sit down with Mason to hear how he won, the effort of family and friends to earn the top prize and what made his animal stand out.
At the core of a state fair is agriculture. Mike Naig is in his second term as Iowa's Secretary of Agriculture and also serves on the board of the Iowa State Fair. We give him a ride around the grounds to discuss telling agriculture's story to urban residents, biofuels legal movements and land ownership debates.
University of Illinois agricultural economist Scott Irwin grew up in the corn and soybean fields of Iowa, but now works the fields of economics. He's a frequent speaker on the commodities and took to putting much of his life work into a book inspired conversations and research. We discuss his new work and how he engages with his social media audience.
A recent snapshot confirmed anecdotal thoughts on land values - they are rising, but what happens next - de-escalating or even falling will spill over into much of the farm economy. Paul Schadegg is a Senior VP at Farmers National Company and we ask him to discuss the current situation from the perspective of the 1980s, when he was just getting started in his career.
There are fewer monarch butterflies in North America. The numbers are dropping in their treks from Mexico to the United States and beyond. Sondra Cabell is a naturalist for Buchanan County, Iowa. She personally has tagged thousands of the orange and black creations in work all over the U.S. and now is telling us the ways to assist in the effort to keep populations up in the monarch.
The aviation industry is looking at sustainable sources of their jet fuel. Warren Brower is the Executive Vice President of Business Development for Haffner Energy. This discussion centers on industries using biomass in place of fossil fuels and what that means for three big industries of aviation, trucking and maritime transport.
Solar power is expanding its footprint in the U.S., but it may be efficiency and enhancements that may help the technology shine brightest. Scott Graybeal, CEO at Caelux helps us better understand some of the advancements and playing field in this form of energy.
Our second installment of the 2023 crop tour with Chad Bell in Viola, Illinois and Mike Schulte in Oklahoma revolves around rain. For one, it was just in time and other is creating a new set of options for producers not normally found this time of year.
The last three years of the livestock industry included working through COVID-19, the Holcomb plant fire and high demand. What's next? How does one navigate the future? Ross Baldwin lends insight on the markets.
Wendong Zhang discusses his work on the land ownership survey.
Tom Sell is technically called a lobbyist. His past as a congressional staffer has positioned him to be in tune with the policy workings to help clients with widespread interests all throughout agriculture. We discuss his view from Texas and the workings of Washington, D.C. this cycle.
Scott Hays is a fifth-generation hog producer from Monroe City, Missouri. He's spending the year as president of the National Pork Producers Council.
Gus Barker started his banking career in the farm crisis. That has given him sensitivity to situations for young and experienced farmers. Barker recently testified in the Senate Agriculture committee on behalf of the Independent Bankers of America. We chat about the exchange in Congress from his bank in Newell, Iowa.
Field days are a part of agriculture and for Lee Tesdell, he was part of one on clean water initiatives he's done on his farm in Iowa. We catch up with this past guest and learn more on the strategy on management of his farm at a time when clean water and the government oversight of it has become news for several cycles.
Crop insurance has become a mainstay in agriculture the last couple of decades. The case for crop insurance is the producer has skin in the game.
The Black Sea shipping issue goes beyond the impact of Russia and Ukraine. Andrey Sizov has spent much of his career studying commodity movements in the region and comes back to update trade talks there and the impact of Turkey, China and India are having on the global story.
The term agrovoltaics refers to the joint development of the same land for both agriculture and solar photovoltaic. Dr. Richard Lu has spent much of career in energy and now is CEO of Toronto-based Solarbank. We discuss the places panels work best along side fields of corn, soybeans and wheat.
Illinois producers are dealing with dramatically different crop situations. We find out about the early start to the season and the late arriving rain with Chad Bell in Viola, Illinois and Mike Schulte in Oklahoma. We begin our 2023 Crop Progress Reports from the field.
Ginger Claussen was destined to be a pharmacist and keep the Benson, Minnesota family business going. But life allowed a change in course from her job as a pharmacist to mother and now founder of MiniSota Agriculture Children's Museum.
La Nina was forecast to be gone by now and in an El Nino cycle. James Roemer of BestWeather Inc., says not so fast. Look at ocean temps off the western U.S. and the impact it is having on Corn Belt producers right now.
To better understand the success of a plant - it is better to know the stressors and factors that make that corn plant grow in various times of water supply. Dr. Brian Hornbuckle of Iowa State University is working with NASA to find when corn does best in the field.
Kristi Van Ahn-Kjeseth loved numbers and commodities growing up and now the two come together in her role of continuing the family business. We discuss her Minnesota, North Dakota and Iowa background plus get her insight on the next few months in the grains and livestock.
Doug Winterfeld leads his family cattle operation in northwest Iowa. He also led his team (Sioux Center) to a state championship in girls basketball. We discuss how he balances the two and how is love of the sport goes back decades to when the race was on to get work done to play hoops in the barn.
Brandon Schwab has been back on the farm for 15 years while also serving as a varsity basketball coach. His 2023 campaign at Algona Bishop Garrigan ended in a state championship. We talk about how the mind can wander while combing corn to basketball and the upcoming season.
A Super Bowl commercial is an expensive buy for advertisers and a chance to be in front of the biggest television audience of the year. Viola, Illinois farmer Chad Bell was featured this year as part of the Illinois Farm Families project. We discuss his role in production of the commercial and his fields.
Trish Cook grew up on the farm, but as things go, one turn to another ends up with her now serving as president of the Iowa Pork Producers Association. She’ll be leading policy discussions along with promoting Iowa pork here and abroad. Her background in finance and agriculture have coalesced almost perfectly for her leadership role in the hog industry.
During her decade in Congress, Cheri Bustos spent a lot of time working on her assignment on the Agricultural Committee. Now that she has departed Washington, her time is spent still on the Farm Bill being worked on right now. We discuss issues past and present in the world of farming and what's next for her.
The 2022 crop season was like most - challenging. But for Kansas producer Cameron Peirce -he’s going to use the word disappointing to sum up the season. What started well ended in just 15 minutes. We check back in with Peirce for a wrap on the year of wheat, sunflowers, canola and a new crop he’s trying again in 2023.
Weather patterns were both boom and bust for North Dakota farmer Paul Thomas. We check in for a third time to see how the year finished for him on his crops. We also find out how his other job - a legislator and the bills under consideration in the committee he chairs - House Agriculture.
The large production story of 2022 has left cattle in the field at the lowest level since 1962. What that means for producers, consumers and the economy is a big story coming according to Derrell Peel of Oklahoma State University.
We call upon Colleen Krantz for a lot of stories across the country. She updates us on bug drones, no-till farming and her most recent report on ducks.
We revisit with the college student turned chicken farmer to see how things are going on the farm in Nebraska.
Feeding the world protein is something farmers and ranchers take seriously. Protein comes in many forms and according to Christine Lewington, the CEO of PIP International there's room for more sources to assist in this challenge.
We've seen a flurry of activity around the wind and solar expansion in 2022. The new year brings new opportunities for renewable energy.
The survey of Iowa land values has history that dates back to the 1940's. Farmland followed the trend of nearly everything else in agriculture by going higher in 2022. We go into the why and what's next for factors in values.
Precision agriculture keeps getting sharper as drone technology improves. We look at plans for the new year from those in the field.
A Pennsylvania Christmas tree grower and his family again were grand champions earning the right to bring a tree to the White House.
Sean O'Leary is in the family business of working in commodities. We hear about the path he took and how education is at the core of his efforts.
Regenerative agriculture is becoming more mainstream for producers looking to improve soil health and helping their bottom line.
The cattle market is riding some high times right now, but the undercurrent is out there with drought and the consumer's buying power.
Each commodity market analyst carves out ways to help their customers. It may be by understanding large economic events impacting each row or corn or soybeans. For Jeremey Frost, he tries to help farmers know when is the time to ask and not just take what's given them for prices.
Life in Ukraine changed dramatically in February of 2022. Kees Huizinga has challenges like his American counterparts do with higher inputs, energy and equipment costs, but the big hurdle has been exports. Bombs have damaged ports and other infrastructure and forced adaptations
The three are different for wheat in 2023 than in this year. Major stories are building and Nicole Berg walks us through the big opportunities for the industry moving forward.
Jonathan Coppess struggled to plant his rows straight in his younger days on the farm. He found agricultural policy to be his calling and has worked on a farm bill as a staffer in Congress and now leads a class at the University of Illinois on the subject of that legislation. We look at what is at stake in the upcoming election - specifically in policy decisions in how we feed and fuel the world.
The story of energy is global with the last 30 months serving as real-time exercise in supply, demand and exploration.
Dry land has absorbed much of the rainfall like a sponge and leaving little to head downstream to vital shipping areas along the Mississippi River.
The fertilizer market has gained watchers as prices spike with global events.
Nearly every acre of Oklahoma is locked in drought. Liquidations and prices at the packer door are weighing the industry's future.
The ups and downs of selling land has many points to consider. A discussion with Randy Dickhut
Chris Tang serves Faculty Director, Center for Global Management at UCLA. The port challenges are in his backyard but solutions could be found domestically - including a major advantage that comes from farmland.
Outgoing chair of the Iowa Corn Promotion board discusses the state of the corn industry.
This goes beyond spreadsheets on a computer to using the data to better keep farmers profitable and relevant.
The meteorologist takes a lot of grief when it rains, pours or misses complete. Ed Wilson puts himself out at the Iowa State Fair for the celebrations and criticisms.
Ernie Barnes has been making sure the Swine Barn at the Iowa State Fair runs smoothly for more than two decades. The mission of the pork industry and the fair align in a few key intersections.
Sarah Pratt answers some submitted questions about this year's creation of the annual Iowa State Fair Butter Cow. Pratt is enlisting a lot of family in our interview and how Broadway inspired this year's display.
We dive into the behind-the-scenes look at some of Colleen Krantz's latest reporting trips and collaborations. This includes reasons for expanded shipping options in the Great Lakes, an effort to feeds thousands and a revisit a crop now in high demand.
Jason Haglund was farming on the side while working on helping clients through issues of mental health, addiction and wellness. Since the pandemic started, he's now combing the two to in assisting others.
Ramona Schindelheim is WorkingNation's Editor-in-Chief and the organization recently published a report on the number of green jobs in the economy now and in years to come.
James Roemer is back to talk weather, commodities and the world patterns.
Like agriculture, the oil and gas business is full of generational operations. Jay Young is a 4th generation member of the industry. High gas prices make oil experts out of consumers but the complicated nature of the industry is on display right now.
We introduced you to two producers this spring as they faced planting questions and weather challenges. We check in to see how things look and their level of optimism.
Some government hearings are more memorable than others. Shawn Tiffany was recently a witness on a hearing impacting independent cattle feeders like him.
Neil Hamilton spent years in the classroom preparing lawyers for the world of agriculture. He also has strong roots in the land that tie together in a new book that gives farmers on the land, owners away from the farm and those who eat something to think about.
The drought story is causing many hardships and forcing tough decisions that could alter the landscape forever in the state of California. Joe Del Bosque has lived through many droughts, but this one has some new factors.
Efforts to help reform the food system comes in many shapes and sizes. Policy is one way, non-profits like Farm Action are another. This MtoM centers on a policy advocate for the group who also is a farmer herself in upstate New York.
Massive drought in New Mexico has no signs of relenting impacting nearly every part of life in the state.

About the Show

For more than four decades, Market to Market has covered the issues affecting the more than $1 trillion business of agriculture. Whether it’s global trade conflicts, environmental controversies, changing technologies or emerging enterprises, our reporters make it their business to explain the issues faced by the nearly 60 million people who live and work in rural America. And Market to Market’s team of experienced analysts has a long history of providing expert analysis of the major commodity markets and delivering insight into trends and strategies that help producers and processors cope with changing times.